MME504/Finite Element Analysis for ME (Summer 2024)
The course deals with validation models against ASME Section VIII Div. 1 and Div. 2 code and provides stress classification options to address different interpretations of the code. Analyzes load model perturbation and buckling for process equipment pressure vessel and heat exchanger components like heads, channel, shell and branch connections.
Computational Mathematics for Engineers (CMT and ECE)
Review of linear algebra, including applications to networks, structures, and estimation. Also covers differential equations of equilibrium; Laplace’s equation and potential flow; initial value and boundary-value problems; minimum principles and calculus of variations; numerical methods; and optimization
Computational Mathematics (SET, ME & EE)
Computer Programming 20-21 (2nd Sem)
This course covers fundamentals of algorithm development, high-level language, programming applications, and coding solutions to computing problems.