Capstone Project 1 (IT 3211)
This course is
designed to give an introductory knowledge to conduct a systematic investigation
of a problem, which focuses on business processes that can be solved using
Computing. The students will gain an overview of research intent and design,
ethics, methodology and technique, format (as per the recommended formatting
and guidelines of the department in writing the capstone / research paper) and
presentation, as well as data management and analysis informed by commonly used
statistical methods. The course will also introduce procedures and techniques
on evaluation and assessment of published scholarly works in the field of
computing and this will also develop each student’s ability to use this
knowledge to become more effective research and development computing
Integrative Programming and Technologies 2 (BSIT 3C)
This is an advanced course for Integrative Programming and Technologies focusing on defining web service through creating valid XML documents, etc. The course shall also utilize network programming / socket programming to demonstrate communication between two different services using TCP/IP sockets and datagram sockets. The following concepts will also be given attention: the different protocols to communicate with hardware devices, design patterns such as singleton, factory method, façade, proxy, decorator and observer and how these can be applied to solve a problem; and software security practices including security coding practices.
This is an advanced course for Integrative Programming and Technologies focusing on defining web service through creating valid XML documents, etc. The course shall also utilize network programming / socket programming to demonstrate communication between two different services using TCP/IP sockets and datagram sockets. The following concepts will also be given attention: the different protocols to communicate with hardware devices, design patterns such as singleton, factory method, façade, proxy, decorator and observer and how these can be applied to solve a problem; and software security practices including security coding practices.
Computer Programming 1
This course covers
the use of general-purpose programming language, the C programming language in
particular, to solve problems. The emphasis is to train the students to design,
implement, test, debug and assess programs intended to solve computing problems
using fundamental programming constructs.
BSIT 2B-Object Oriented Programming
This course is an introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming methodology. The course allows the student to learn and apply the basic language syntax and principles of object-oriented programming to solve computational problems adhering to the standards and guidelines of documentation using java programming language. Topics include program structure, conditional and iterative programming, procedures, arrays and records, object classes, file I/O, and exceptions. It further discusses the concepts and characteristics of object-oriented technology (on encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction). |
BLIS 2B- Information Processing and Handling in Libraries and
This course an introduction to computer-based information tools that are fundamental for librarians and information professionals. Includes concepts in information technology such as hardware and software, networks, the Internet, trends and issues of ICT in libraries.
BSIT IF - Introduction to Computing
This course provides an overview of the Computing Industry and Computing of profession, including research and Applications in different fields; an Appreciation Computing in different fields such as Biology, Sociology, Environment and Gaming; an Understanding of ACM Requirements; an Appreciation of the history of computing; and Knowledge of the Key Components of Computer Systems (Organization and Architecture), Malware, Computer Security, Internet and Internet protocols, HTML5 and CSS.
IS 318 Business Process Management (1st Sem 2021-22)
This course will introduce students to
fundamental concepts and methodologies for managing and improving business
processes. One of the key goals is to raise awareness of the students on the concepts
and foundations of business process modeling, as well as the possibilities for
employing business process modeling approaches to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of organizations. Utilization of BPM tools to help in modeling
and analyzing business process and innovate and enhance processes to simplify
business operations in an organization.
Advanced Database Systems
This course is a
continuation of Information Management 1 (CCIT 105). The course will include
coverage of basic database administration tasks and key concepts of data
quality and data security. In addition to developing database applications, the
course will help the students understand how large-scale packaged systems are
highly dependent on the use of DBMSs. Building on the transactional database
understanding, the course introduces data and information management
technologies that provide decision support capabilities under the broad
business intelligence umbrella. At the end of the semester the students are
expected to develop a software that caters database management.
Introduction to Computing
This course provides an overview of the
Computing Industry and Computing of the profession,
including research and Applications
in different fields; an Appreciation
Computing in different fields such as Biology, Sociology, Environment and
Gaming; an Understanding of ACM
Requirements; an Appreciation of the
history of computing; and Knowledge
of the Key Components of Computer Systems (Organization and Architecture),
Malware, Computer Security, Internet and Internet protocols, HTML5 and CSS.
Data Structures and Algorithms
The course covers the standard data representation and algorithms to solve computing problems efficiently (with respect to space requirements and the time complexity of algorithms). This covers the following: Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs, Maps, and Sets. A thorough discussion of sorting and searching.
Information Assurance and Security 1
The course shall introduce to the fundamental aspects of Information Assurance and Security (AIS). Topics shall include security mechanisms, operational issues, IAS Policies, attacks, security domains, information states, risk assessment and threat analysis. Further, this shall include discussion on the impact of IAS in the field of computing.
Capstone Project 2 (IT 4113)
This course is the culmination of the
accumulated educational experiences and trainings of the students at CCS in a
single original research project of their choice, subject to approval and
supervision of a faculty mentor. A final course that caps three years of study
in form of a capstone relatively topics parallel with the Research cum
Extension priorities of the department and project agendas indicated in the CMO
as Information Technology Major.
Engineering Data Analysis
This course is designed for undergraduate engineering students with emphasis on problem solving related to societal issues that engineers and scientists are called upon to solve. It introduces different methods of data collection and the suitability of using a particular method for a given situation.
The relationship of probability to statistics is also discussed, providing students with the tools they need to understand how "chance" plays a role in statistical analysis. Probability distributions of random variables and their uses are also considered, along with a discussion of linear functions of random variables within the context of their application to data analysis and inference. The course also includes estimation techniques for unknown parameters; and hypothesis testing used in making inferences from sample to population; inference for regression parameters and build models for estimating means and predicting future values of key variables under study.